Cyber Challenges

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Do you have a hacking challenge for our experts?

Challenges can span various domains:

  • Educational: How can a specific hacking technique or tool be used for educational purposes?
  • Technical: What’s the best way to utilize a particular technology, platform, or tool in a hacking scenario?
  • Knowledge-Based: How can we disseminate expertise and knowledge about a specific hacking method or vulnerability?
  • Design: How should we structure a hacking simulation or activity to best test and train skills?
  • Mixed Challenges: Feel free to combine elements from the above categories or introduce a new angle.
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Flexible & creative challenges

When proposing a challenge, ensure it’s concise yet comprehensive. While we appreciate detailed scenarios, avoid being too restrictive. Giving us some flexibility allows our hackers to embrace innovative approaches and showcase their creativity. Remember, crafting a well-thought-out challenge is an art in itself!

While we may not tackle every challenge presented, each one contributes to our pool of ideas and knowledge. So, don’t hesitate—share your challenges! And stay tuned, as we’ll

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Challenges- Apps

Comprehensive Guides for Seamless Tech Integration

Effortless Data Transfer:

Navigate the seamless transition of information from iPads to laptops. Our guides delve into advanced features like graph creation, perfect for visualizing data such as plant abundance from beach transects. Instantly generate graphs and even obtain statistical results like the Spearman’s Rank Correlation. Plus, synchronize with other transect data effortlessly to derive average insights.

Customizable Identification Keys:

Tailored ID Keys: Whether you’re a teacher, student, or course designer, our platform allows you to create or modify Identification Keys tailored to your needs. Each key comes with helpful hints, including explanations of anatomical features, ensuring clarity and understanding.

Note: In the context of geography, an ID Key refers to datasets that facilitate the visual identification of specific species or classes of natural objects or materials. This is distinct from the software security definition of ID Keys.

Diverse Key Categories: Explore a range of keys spanning biology (species identification), geology (rock types), and geography (housing styles and ages).

Instant Species Identification: Snap a picture and tap into the FSC’s vast network of experts. Get real-time identification of plants, animals, rocks, and even real ales!

Interactive Questionnaires: Craft and customize offline questionnaires with ease. These intuitive tools not only gather data but also generate visually appealing graphs, enhancing data interpretation and presentation.

Connectivity Challenges: Seamless Sharing in a Disconnected World

Ad-Hoc Networking Innovations: Dive into the exploration of tools that allow iPads, smartphones, and other devices to share content seamlessly, even without 3G connectivity. Whether it’s through peer-to-peer Wi-Fi networking or mobile Wi-Fi base stations, the goal is uninterrupted content sharing. Envision applications that enhance collaborative learning, pushing event-based content across local mesh networks.

Extended Learning with Asynchronous Networking: Imagine a learning journey spanning from two days to two weeks, where connectivity is sporadic. The challenge? Ensuring consistent, scaffolded learning experiences through event or location-driven content triggers, even with infrequent connection intervals.

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GIS Challenges: Crafting Maps on the Go

On-the-Spot GIS Creation: Why wait to transfer data to laptops for GIS creation? Explore the potential of crafting GIS directly on iPads. For instance, gather pedestrian count tallies in Plymouth and link them to an exportable KML file or its equivalent.

Transformative GIS Tools: Turn field-gathered data into visually compelling GIS graphical outputs. Picture a graphical representation of species tally numbers sprawled across a beach map. Or, delve into applications that offer an Augmented Reality view of GIS-mapped data, bringing your surroundings to life with enriched information.

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Innovative Hardware Challenges: Pushing Technological Boundaries

Digital Weather Station

Venture into the creation of an automated online weather station. While the full specifications will be provided on the day, the goal is to integrate given sensors, such as wind speed/direction, rainfall, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. This station should record data into a public database, allow users to customize graph plotting, be accessible over the web, and ideally, sync data with the Met Office WOW system.

KiBOSh: Kite-Based Observation System

Elevate your observation techniques, quite literally! Launch simple cameras using kites to capture snapshots of field study groups, aiding in pinpointing sampling site locations, like quadrat deployments. And while rockets could also serve this purpose, they might not come with catchy acronyms like KiBOSh!

Reviving the Old: The Single-Function Field Laptop

Breathe new life into aging laptops. Take a device that’s lagging with an outdated OS and rejuvenate it with a streamlined Linux OS. The new interface should focus on performing one task flawlessly, be it data logging, compiling picture libraries, or reading SD card data. We’re on the lookout for older machines at the center, ready for this transformative experiment.

KiBOSh: Kite-Based Observation System

Why walk when you can launch? Explore the use of small rockets to deploy marker lines, setting up grids for data collection. While it might not be the most practical approach, it’s a thrilling way to introduce rockets into a hack day.